Reflection : Lam Jiajun says....

Pre-camp reflections

Read the introduction, objectives and theoretical background to the project and then answer the following questions:
  •      What interests you about this project?
  •       What do you want to learn by doing this project?
  •       What questions do you have about this project?
  •      What do you personally want to have achieved by the end of this project?

This project interests me because it integrates different subjects together, such as Maths and Physics in the Fastest Ball Challenge, and Chemistry and Medicinal Science in the Caffeine extraction. Both also applies our knowledge we gained in class into real world situations.
In this project, I want to learn more about energy and how to calculate the vectors in the Fastest Ball challenge, and the more advanced separating techniques and also more about chemistry. Also, I would like to learn about the equipment used in the experiments. Some of my questions:
Caffeine Extraction:
Why does the extraction of caffeine allow us to know the difference between Panadol and Panadol Extra? Is caffeine found in the pills?
I want to have an in depth understanding of vectors and separating techniques. I also want to find out how it is like to be studying and living in a university.

Reflections on Plenary Sessions

For each plenary session, consolidate your learning by answering the following questions:
  •     What are your key learning points?
Key learning points from each session:
  1. Plenary session by Prof Kerry Sieh
I learnt a lot about geology and also about how it is being a geologist. For example, I learnt about methods to study earthquakes and tsunamis, such as using GPS, stratigraphy and sedimentology. I was also surprised to know that corals can also be used to find out when uplift and subsidence happened. I thought that that was a very interesting and creative way to study tsunamis and earthquakes. I also learnt that being a geologist could be very fun and interesting too, and I also understood how they could easily make a difference by saving thousands of lives because they managed to identify earthquakes that were possible to happen in an area. But most important of all, his biggest impact on me was that  if the time came for us to choose a job, we had to choose something we enjoy, not something that can earn the most money.
Basic learning points:
  • Earthquakes happen in periods, because tension is first built up as the tectonic plates are jammed, and then released. Then, the cycle repeats.
  • GPS, stratigraphy and sedimentology and study of annual bands in corals can be used to study earthquakes and tsunamis.
  1. “IT for Animation” by Prof Seah Hock Soon
I learnt about the different types of animation, such as stop motion, 2D animation and 3D animation. I also learnt that animation is not all about drawing and compiling pictures, it also requires Mathematics and Science, such as Geometry and Physics. I also learnt how major animated movies and TV series were created, and what was the process. I also learnt more about Information Technology and the challenges of 2D animation.
Basic learning points:
  • Animation may also require Mathematics and Physics, such as
  1. Geometry for drawing lines, surfaces, solids and points.
  2. Linear algebra for vector
  3. Calculus to light us scene
  4. Laws of Physics to show the dynamics of fire, water and fabric movements
  • The process of animation, from Script to Film making.
  • Information Technology is the field of engineering involving computer-based hardware and software.
  1. Innovation breakthroughs in Nano-Science and Nano-Technology by Prof Ma Jan
I learnt about nano-science, which is the design, fabrication and application of nano-molecules. I learnt about the application of nano-science and nano-technology, such as using it for nano-materials, products and other sciences. Nano-materials such as carbon tubes and coatings for high-speed aircraft can be revolutionary. Carbon tubes and lighter that steel but even stronger, thus they can be good building materials. Coating for high-speed aircraft can be used to prevent the melting of an aircraft’s exterior, possibly saving lives. Nano-technology can be applied in forensic science, filtration of water, and even more. Other applications are using the knowledge of nano-science to make products such as aircraft invisible to radar, or even clothing that can make people invisible from the naked eye.
Basic learning points:
Nano-science is the design, fabrication and application of nano-molecules.

  •      What new questions do you have about the topic?

  1. Will there be a day when earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions can be prevented?
  2. Is mathematics really crucial in animation?
  3. Are the “nano-mites” in sci-fi movies really made yet?
Reflections on Applied Project Challenge: Your Accomplishments
  • Discuss how the project has deepened your understanding and broadened your awareness of the selected discipline.
  • What do you now understand about this discipline that you were unaware of at the beginning?
  • Describe how what you have learned from doing this project can be connected to what you are learning at school.
  • Describe how you can apply what you have learned from doing this project.
  •  At the end of the project, what new questions do you now have?
Reflections for Applied Project Challenge
The Fastest Ball Challenge taught me more about the laws of physics. I learnt more about conservation of energy and that steepness of a slope where an objects move downwards does not always make things go faster. I also learnt how to operate a photogate sensor. I also learnt that oil may not always be a lubricant. This disciplines can be connected to school because we learnt about topics we could be learning a few months later. This challenge was very fun and interesting because we needed to combine our knowledge of Maths and Science. 
The extraction of caffeine from beverages was very interesting. Of course, I learnt how to extract caffeine from beverages. I also learnt how to handle various equipments and substances. The helpers and instructors were very elaborate in their explanation and I could understand what the various steps were for. I also tried out to use the Infrared scanner to understand the compounds of the substance, caffeine. I learnt how to basically read a graph of data collected in the scanner. It was a fruitful and enjoyable experience.

I can apply this knowledge because I will be able to use this in school or even in my future jobs. In the future, I will be exposed to a lot of this equipments and concepts and this knowledge can be put to use.

Some questions I have is how

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